Aljal Capital is led by business leaders who have successfully run, transformed and grown businesses in the Middle East.

Nabil Alyousuf, Partner

Nabil has extensive experience as an investor and entrepreneur as well as a public servant. In addition to being a principle investor of Aljal Capital, he is the Chairman of Sadara, the largest real estate developer is southern Iraq.

Previously Nabil lead a high profile career in the Government of Dubai where he was Director-General of The Executive Office of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. He led the development of Dubai Strategy 2015 and established Dubai School of Government, a public policy institute created in collaboration with Harvard University.

Nabil has a deep passion for education. He is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dubai School of Government and a member of the International Advisory Board of the University of Strathclyde Business School.

In 2010 Nabil was chosen as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
He has a Master of Business Administration degree from The University of Strathclyde, a Master of Science in Operations Research from Georgia Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from The University of Arizona.

Sahm A. Yaghi, Partner

Serial entrepreneur, investor and financier Sahm A. Yaghi, has developed numerous businesses in the Middle East and beyond. He has created and invested in companies ranging from logistics, farming and textile manufacturing to advertising, e-commerce and leasing. Sahm brought American Fortune 500, Australian and UK listed companies into the Middle East, as well as franchised Middle Eastern brands such as Aramex in western markets.

Before heading down the path of entrepreneurship, Sahm started his career with Anderson Consulting, where he was assigned to work on developing Saudi Arabia’s first stock exchange. He also worked with the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) leading their Private Sector Development Program in Jordan.

Sahm is an active participant in the regional World Economic Forum (WEF), and is a substantial contributor to charities including Operation Smile, which sends doctors on aid missions all over the world and the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund.
He holds a BSC from the University of Texas-San Marcos in Business Management and Marketing with a minor in systems design and IT.